Do you think that these are the best solutions for your problem?

Quick Workouts to Lose Weight

A good quick workout program takes a few minutes at a time, several times throughout each day, 5 days per week . If you work in a normal office job , you'll obviously have to not be afraid to do some exercises in your office and have your office mates who see you . You may find that some people will want to participate !

If you have a private office, then you do not have to worry about anyone looking at it. If you work from home , or if you are a housewife , there is no reason you can not bring them all day while at home .

If you work a 9-5 schedule regular office, it is recommended that you train for 2 minutes every hour, on the hour, with the exception of food , and the means of 6-7 sessions per day .

Quick workouts weight loss should focus on :

bodyweight squats ( and variations)
pumps ( and variations)
forward, reverse, or walking lunges
up and down a ladder if available
floorboards ( which occupy the position of board forearms and feet )
floor abs exercises like lying kicks , crunches , bicycles etc.

Examples 2 minutes of a workout routine fast at home or the office consist of 2 sets of 10 pushups and 15 bodyweight squats , training the next two minutes could be 2 sets of 6 lunges each leg and reverse slots 6 on each leg. Another could be a board boards where all the time, it can take short breaks for a total of three minutes will be required warehouse. If you do not want to get down on the floor for anything, you can stick to squats, lunges, and pumps and still get great results.

The exercises described here are not an exhaustive list, but are relatively simple. Obviously, with all these exercises , you must set the number of repetitions up or down according to their own abilities. In order to progress on these workouts, you can add 1 or 2 representatives of each set per week , or it could evolve into more difficult versions of each exercise each week (for example , near the grip pushups leg pumps, squats with arms raised straight over head, etc. raised ) .

If you end up having a busy day with meetings and so forth day , and can not adapt to a couple of these exercises two minutes, then so be it , but I try to get as much done as possible each day .

The good thing about these workouts you do enough 2-3 minutes to get your blood pumping , heart rate a little, a lot of your body's muscles worked , and elevated body temperature. However, it is usually not enough to break a sweat in only 2 or 3 minutes, so you do not have to worry about sweating in the office or wherever they are. At best, it may be a little damp skin .

Another advantage of this type of training is that now you do not have to spend time before or after work to go to the gym because you already got your workouts little by little training throughout the day . Now you have a little time on their hands !