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ACE Personal Trainer Certification Review - American Council on Exercise Certification

I 'll tell you one thing about ACE , your site is very difficult to learn about their certifications. What is mentioned below are available on the site itself ACE , but there is so much garbage on your site that is much easier to just throw all the important things on a page , you can simply dial quick reference.

Is Ace NCCA certificate?

Yes , ACE personal training certification highly respected . I have many certifications available, including :

Personal Trainer ( PT) - Standard

Group Fitness Instructor (GFI)

Lifestyle & Weight Management Consultant ( LWMC )

Clinical Exercise Specialist (CST)


Talk about serious things , the review ! Well, like many certification organizations, ACE does not require that you actually show someone you know anything about how to properly be a trainer in person!

All you have to do is sit back and take a test computer ( or pencil ) . It's like taking a test pilot behind a computer ... Well, that is all it takes ACE . They strongly recommend that you have 100 hours of training, practical experience , but it is almost a requirement .

So, what is knowledge ? Let's start with where the test is and how it is created.

Apparently , a group of industry experts analyzes personal training requirements to create a summary of your working sets of tasks, knowledge and skills required average expected for a personal training job effectively . The results of this analysis are then put in a survey, which is sent to a random sample of fitness professionals to , hopefully , validate assumptions.

Somehow , this, a number of issues that must be approved by the " Review Committee " will decide what are the right questions and they will waste are selected. And that's pretty much how they are carried out !

A " pass mark " is determined by calculating ( secretly , of course) the general difficulty of the examination questions. Its objective is to achieve a passing grade for the first time .

There are 150 questions on each certification exam, and three hours to complete the exam. The review personal trainer mixes and even adds two written simulation questions.

A simulation question checks your ability to recognize and use the information that you would expect in a real job. It is probably for ACE feels better about herself when she does not require you to demonstrate practical skills. For example:

You have a new customer and fill out a registration form to obtain the following information : Age: 39 Height: 5253 Weight: 135 pounds . Lean body mass : 103 pounds . Measurement of triceps : measurement suprailiac 15 mm 25 mm Thigh: 34 mm. What percentage of body fat clients ?

Examination of the ECA is not the easiest, it is not the most difficult , and there is a lot of material on the web about sample exam questions .

exam Materials

ACE sells its own study materials . (That's my sense of where the real money is made ... )

They break in " Study Material ", " study ", and practice exams. The Studio is what is expected , books , instructions, etc. Study Aids are live workshops and online courses. Finally, practice exams given online.

Prices vary according to the Prime Minister , Deluxe or Standard package is obtained . Basically, it can run between $ 300 - $ 400 for the examination materials. The difference between the three is minor, so check their recent offerings to see if you really need the Prime Minister for the extra $ 100 .

Every three months, the group ACE Certification organizes a course examining major U.S. cities. For only $ 220 (plus travel, hotel , etc. ) , you can get two days to ask questions about things that concern you. (Also approximately 1.6 to 2.0 CCE your requirement , see below for more information on DPA )

I do not know, but all that money to do some questions ... seems that the local ACE certified trainer at my gym should be able to explain to me the price of a latte . To you how you want to learn ! But if you need help before you take the exam , it is an option .

In addition, every three months , ACE runs a practice two days training program. This 15-hour course is intended to give you an idea of the critical areas such as assessment , design, and strength training . It costs about $ 300 and can count as 1.5 CEC. Again, if you need help before the exam, it is an option .

The diagnostic test online costs about $ 30, but the site says my mac here ... It is only compatible with Windows. You get a real sample questions from old tests and I think it gives a better idea of what the real exam will be like the day of the test. I do not know, but do something once makes the second attempt - even if the material is 100% different - much less stressful and easier.

If something I recommend doing before the ACE certification , do the diagnostic test only $ 30!


There is a relatively short eligibility requirements for examinations ACE list :

- You must be at least 18 years

- You must have an adult CPR certification and you must be current at the time of the examination


There are two formats that you can pass the certification exam of the ECA , the good old pencil and paper or computer mode . Against everything that makes sense, considering the computer is more expensive than paper and pencil . Well, whatever, right? I think I have the answer right now is worth the extra money.

Here are the current costs for an ACE exam:

Paper and Pencil Format ( U.S. and Canada)

First time: PT - $ 219

CV: PT - $ 135

Second Statement of ECA: $ 150 for a certification.

Team format (Only available in the U.S. )

First time: PT - $ 249

CV: PT - $ 184

Second ACE certification : All are $ 199

Continuing Education Credits

Good Ol ' of continuing education credits (CEC), each organization differently. ACE requires them , but fortunately can be applied to all certifications if you have multiple certifications of the ECA. ( As a personal and group fitness instructor trainer ) so there is no penalty for adding certifications. (However, you have to pay to renew each certificate ! What do you expect, a free lunch ?)

Thus the work of the CEC ACE ACE first requires that you get 2.0 CEC before your renewal period of two years. What counts as a CEC credit ? Well, 0.1 credit hour of instruction. This means that for 2.0 CEC, requires 20 hours of structured " ACE learning " before your renewal period.

ACE offers their own CEC, or can generate a variety of credits from other organizations. Sometimes the numbers of university credit , leaders CPR recertification , etc. Basically , what you need to calculate your certification is that you will pay over the life of the two-year certification for at least 20 hours instruction or recertification additional classes.

CEC is a great way to add skills to your repertoire. ( Who should I use that word ?) Maybe add Yoga Instructor or Pilates , you not only get your credit CEC will open many new opportunities for your career. In addition, it can be fun and a great networking opportunity .


As mentioned earlier, your certification is valid for a period of two years. During these two years , you must complete 2.0 CEC from time to time and submit your application (s) and rate (s) for renewal of the ACE before your certification expiration .

Each certificate has a $ 69 annual fee . Fortunately, you can renew at any time during your certification period , so as not to risk being certified until the process. Even better, the early renewal does not change its certification period of two years.

If you are a procrastinator, then you will pay for it ... ACE certification renewals up to two months after the expiration date have a renewal fee of $ 89. For renewals between two and six months, the cost is $ 109.

If you are late, and after six months, you may need to take the certification exam . It would not be a wise choice !


ACE certification is well recognized in the industry and highly respected . It tests the format allows a lot of very bad coaches to be 'certified' and tarnish our image with our customers. Obviously, I firmly believe that ACE disappoint with their lax requirements for the examination and experience PT .

However , there are many good coaches with ACE certification that the number of bad coaches who have their certification will not affect his career at all .

My suggestion is to work in a gym for hours while you study in the certification exam ACE to acquire practical skills that ACE unknown. This will also be your network will put you at ease to work with customers, and will show whether this is really the career for you before shelling out hundreds of dollars.

Leslie Smith is a certified personal trainer and owner of Fun -2B- Fit, LLC. He has published a book on "How to become a certified personal trainer " to help trainers who aspire to achieve their goals of becoming certified fitness professionals .