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Personal Training Salary - Learn How to Earn More!

As a personal trainer can make a very good living while working at their own pace and at your own pace. Every extra step you take towards your education, training and certification, you can virtually ensure personal training personal training higher salary less qualified candidates competing competing for your business or new customers.

By level of education, qualifications, skills and experience, wages and salaries personal training vary widely. Also can be very competitive. Locate one of the few schools that offer personal training with NASM official program and partnership.

Below, I've gathered some essential information regarding salaries in Colorado personal training using NASM information, the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Ministry of Labour and Employment Colorado.

How to increase your earning potential as a personal trainer

If you want to earn the highest salary possible, you should work on getting skills thesis:

Become an expert leader
Learn to excel in sales
Become a motivator of inspiration
Acquire the best personal training certifications

Being certified is just beginning to realize personal training competitive salary. A good personal trainer aussi paid must be certified nutrition and therapeutic or corrective exercise. What I really want to do is bring customers and be ble to meet their specific needs, no matter what your limits.

I interviewed chip Huss, a personal trainer supervision program for personal training schools in Colorado Springs, CO. It aussi personal trainer and certified himself lived.

Huss shared with me his knowledge of the industry:
"Most gyms and spas will pay more for specialized advanced trainers accredited ... NASM Corrective Exercise: NASM that nutrition specialist and fitness specialized powers."

Personal Trainer Salary and wage statistics for Colorado

A - Professional Certification:

Certifications can make you more employable. Be prepared to sit for:

Certification NASM Certified Personal Trainer (CPT)
NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist credential (CES)
NASM Fitness Nutrition Specialist credential (FNS)

B - forecast employment growth *:

That means faster: 29% increase from 2008 to 2018.
Employment opportunities are excellent for those who have: A degree in a discipline related to fitness and one or more of the following certification: CPT, CES and / or NSF.
NOTE: National long-term projections may not reflect local working conditions.

Salaries Colorado - C: Entry Level to Experienced:

For statistical annual salary for 2010, visit the websites of thesis:

Ministry of Labour and Employment, LMI Gateway, personal care and personal services, Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States.
Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2010-11 Edition, workers club.


If a career as a personal trainer is your future, you now have the edge. Knowing what to expect and how to get there is the first step to a career in obtaining this rewarding field.


Services personnel Ministry of Labour and Employment, LMI Gateway, and personal care.
Bureau of Labor Statistics, Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2012-13 Edition, U.S. instructors and trainers.

Get started today touch Intellitec College - one of the last personal training schools in Colorado Springs "NASM training reconnu very personal and practical training quality training and personalized externship program and experience that employers value .