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Knee Pain Exercises For Women

Since the anatomy of women differs from men , women are more likely to have knee pain than men. Strengthening the muscles that support the knee with knee exercises is more important for women if they want to protect your knees from injury and knee pain.

Several groups of muscles supporting the knee. The two main groups of muscles that control movement and stability of the knee are the quadriceps and hamstrings. Quadriceps is a four - powerful part that runs along the front of the thigh and attach to the front of the tibia just below the knee. Strengthening the quadriceps control knees and knee movement . Hamstrings are running on the back of the thigh, and stick to the back of the tibia just below the knee.

Here are some simple exercises to strengthen the quadriceps and hamstrings.

Quadriceps strengthening exercises :
Quadriceps strengthening exercise is probably easiest, safest and most important thing you can do to prevent pain and knee injuries . Strengthen the quadriceps, just lay in bed and do straight leg raises . Do not bend the knees. Now ignited and do not need to do worse . Simply lift the leg several times. This will strengthen the quadriceps. If you have little tired after doing this exercise 10 times , then relax for a while and move on.

The next step is to do the same exercise with weights. To do this just get an old purse or bag to add a little weight on it and keep both legs straight legs and repeated ascents. As you get stronger gradually increase the weight in the wallet or purse .

Strengthen hamstrings :
Hamstring strengthening contractions : Sit on chairs , floors heels. Do not move heels but shoot them . Feel the tension in the hamstrings . Hold to finish counting 10 then relax . Repeat this exercise 10 times.

Strengthening hamstring curls : Lie down and place your left foot on the back of the right heel . Gently pull your right heel toward your buttocks while creating resistance with your left foot . This exercise helps to contract and strengthen the hamstrings . Hold for a count of 10 . Repeat this exercise 10 times with each leg .

Return helps develop hamstrings : When reversing, your weight is distributed more evenly , resulting in less stress on the knees.

Apart from this setting knee balance and knee stretching exercises are also beneficial for women who suffer from knee pain . But before planning any exercise regimen , you should consult your doctor.