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How the National Academy of Sports Medicine Can Benefit Your Career

The National Academy of Sports Medicine has been around since 1987 and offers one of the most prestigious industry certifications health and fitness. The National Academy of Sports Medicine offers physical education and continuing education courses that have managed to help personal trainers in their professional development. A question that arises is "What are the advantages of a NASM certification?"

To begin, I say aloud: "I am a certified personal trainer by the National Academy of Sports Medicine" How did you think Now imagine a point of view of the audience of the customer's name alone makes.?. . reverence with the aesthetic benefits, NASM provides members with information about:

Get Certified
Athletes training
Injury Prevention

Imagine not only get customers, but the training of professional athletes who seek only the most qualified coaches. Imagine being responsible for helping the elderly leave and stay out of wheelchairs, as responsible to help them be more active. Or maybe you take your talents to a new company to run a Fortune 500 program wellness company to help reduce injuries and repetitive strain injuries.

These are some of the opportunities that are available with a National Academy of Sports Medicine certification. With the variety of degrees offered:

Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) Certification
Exercise specialist correction
Specialist improved performance

In addition to live workshops, and academic partners NASM, the sky really is the limit in the field of health and fitness.

Overview of training

A certificate of NASM Certified Personal Trainer (CPT), an exam supervised 120 questions on the basics of anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, nutrition and behavior training. Once completed, you will understand how to design exercise programs to clients to help them achieve their goals. There are many aids to study for the exam on the website, including NASM, textbooks, online learning resources, and live workshops flash cards. Depending on the package you get, you can even get a job 90 days warranty.

Once you have completed the CPT, you can go to an advanced specialization. If you want to be recognized as a professional sports performance, you can consider the specialist performance improvement (PSE). This degree is designed for those seeking to become coaches, physiotherapists, chiropractors and coaches who wish to specialize in helping to improve the endurance of an athlete, strength, speed and power, avoiding injury. CPT is mandatory and must pass a 70 Question multiple choice exams for this certification. Again NASM offers courses, training online and live workshops to prepare for the test.

How are they and another of the National Academy of Medicine certified personal trainer advantage sport? Well, the average income of a personal trainer is $ 54.200 / year. with 10% earning $ 100,000 / year. and more. According to, the average starting salary of a NASM certified trainer is $ 42,000 / year. Certification is the next highest paid Association of Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) to $ 36,000 / year. It's working for someone and do not take into account other sources of income. Thus, a NASM certification you start earning more, and with the support and continuing education opportunities they provide, you can stay ahead of the pack.