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Treadmill Buying Guide 2014 - How to Find The Best Treadmill For Your Home

Buying a treadmill ? How can you find the best for you ?

There are so many options on the market today, it can be confusing !

This buying guide treadmill will help you know exactly what to look for when choosing your RV. After this article - you'll treadmill expert when you go to the store ! So, let's begin!

Things to look for when buying a treadmill :

# 1 Carpet tractive

This is the heart of your treadmill. Do you want an engine that will easily be powered by long workouts without breaking a sweat .

Search a power of at least 2.5 Power - the more the better . And if you plan to do often , a 3.0 HP motor turn research at least .

# 2 treadmill belt

Find a tape length of 55 inches. Anything less than that and you may feel as if you were on the edge of the tape - especially if you 're going to run .

# 3 Amortization

Cushioning is the ability of the band to absorb the force of your step. You want a good cushioning system that protects your joints , hips , knees and back.

More quality under the brand name , Nordictrack and damping systems offer treadmills Precor quality.

# 4 folding

Many people want a folding treadmill because it saves space . However, note that, in general , non- folding treadmills have a slight advantage in terms of stability.

# 5 Tilt

Incline can help you build intervals burning high in calories in your workouts . Most treadmills give you 10-15 % grade .

Search capacity of a single slope that can easily be changed from the console of the treadmill key.

# 6 Console

Look for a console which is backlit with a large window, easy to read, with a constant return on your time, calories burned , speed, etc. It should not be too easy to see safety button stop shop .

Other console options that people like to include fan to keep it cool , an iPod dock with speakers and iPad owners.

# 7 Toys

2014 new treadmills come with all sorts of fun toys that will make your much more enjoyable workouts . For example, you can get treadmills with integrated TV .

You can also find treadmills with web browsers so you can surf the net or check your email . You can also get web links that show high-definition video training - training experience of virtual reality !
Make sure that , in addition to toys that do not skimp on the essentials like a good engine or a good cushioning system .

These are the main things to look for when buying a treadmill . More advice :

See warranty coverage to purchase to get a general idea of ​​the quality of the construction of the band - A longer warranty usually means a stronger machine!

So you know what things to look for when buying a treadmill. Keep this in mind and you are almost guaranteed to find a machine you like!