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9 Simple Treadmill Workouts For Weight Loss and More Fun

Movies, music, television and CD
Are you a movie buff or television ? If this is the case , work on the tape are a great time to feed the desire. Music lovers often find that walking to your favorite music makes the workout more enjoyable and productive. If you do not have time to read, listen to audio books or motivational CD during your workouts on a treadmill is a great way to get lost in thought while walking.

pyramid Power
A great mental challenge that you can do during their work on the belt of the pyramid is walking. All you have to do is to try to increase your pace by 0.1 mph every minute. To do this, for 15 minutes. Then try to reduce its rates by 0.1 mph every minute for the remaining training treadmill 15 minutes.

Dance exercises
Many dancers find that reverse during workouts treadmill not only makes funny, but relies on his strength and balance. Do not try this unless you are confident in your coordination !

Count the numbers
If you are addicted to numbers, counting your steps every two minutes . See how they change their steps and increase as one moves from one level to another physical state.

Circuit training
To give your body an aerobic and strength training , walking for five minutes. Then off the machine and do lunges, squats , crunches or working out with weights for one minute. Repeat this process throughout your workout .

Stretching exercises are also a great addition to your treadmill workout sessions . Stretching is a favorite for many people because it feels good ! Having successfully completed a ten minute walk on a treadmill machine and enjoy five minutes of stretching exercises.

Step and Stroll
In turn , walking on the treadmill and using a stepper motor . The number of minutes that you assign to each of them is individually depending on your fitness level.

Walk around the World
If there is a place you 've always wanted to live or vacation , why not see how long it would take to walk there ? You can track your progress on a map. It's a fun challenge for many people .

Heart rate training
Training heart rate is to determine your maximum heart rate and cycling in and out of different heart rate zones for two or three minutes apart. This treadmill workout type must not last more than 20 or 30 minutes and you should not do more than three times per week , it is intense.

Are these things interest you? If that were the case, try to work on the band, or do some of your own routines. More importantly, to the interest and fun back to your workouts on a treadmill for worse , boredom, knows he is not welcome.

Get new articles on the web work for weight loss here . You'll also find advice and detailed information on treadmills rated available online today to help you achieve your weight loss.