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5 Key Components for Fitness Success

Between the holidays and regular barbecue parties ( complete with salty snacks and fruit-flavored drinks ) , summer is a difficult time to stick to a regular exercise program and a healthy diet. September, however , is the perfect time to start again : The kids are back in school , the sun of the afternoon is a little cooler , and settled into a regular routine. It's time to get motivated and focus on you!

If you are a beginner, restart or re - energize your workout routine , be sure to include the following five key elements of a health plan and exercise well rounded .

A . A healthy diet. A health plan and solid physical form begins by cleaning your diet. I often tell my clients that you can not out exercise poor diet. For best results (if you are trying to lose weight, feel better and improve energy and strength levels) must feed your body with the right kinds of foods . A diet rich in lean protein , healthy fats , vegetables and fruits and whole grains is recommended to get the results you deserve.

Two . Build your strength. Exercises Resistance training is important for maximizing fat loss , increase metabolic rate , improve posture, and bone density and to get this look ' tone '. Try to work the muscles at least twice a week . To get maximum results in minimum time , choose exercises that work multiple muscle groups . My ' go to ' exercise program for whole body strength include squats, lunges , pumps, lines ( shaking) , back extensions and some form of iron. With a comprehensive program to achieve your goals , you can get in and out of the gym in 30 minutes or less - and get the body that will make you wish it was still bikini season!

Three . Get your heart rate. Health Canada recommends 150 minutes of moderate exercise during the week for health benefits. If you 're new to exercise, or if your goal is simply to maintain a certain level of health, Health Canada recommendation will do. If your goal is to lose body fat or improve your fitness level , you can expect a longer work , or increase the intensity level. Interval training , or cycling short interval between high intensity exercise and recovery period easier is a great way to burn fat and improve your fitness level in a minimum time.

April. Stretch . To recover from exercise , avoid injury and improve your posture, you have to stretch . When muscles are tense, but the body must change their travel habits to compensate for a very populated area. This will often result in injury. Which muscles should be stretched on your posture and flexibility at each joint. Most of our clients benefit from stretching the muscles of the chest, hip flexors (front of hip) , quadriceps , calves and lower back .

May Accountable to someone. If you have the option of having a coach , friend, dog, or application on your iPhone, accountable to someone ( or something) else will help you stay committed to your health routine and fitness . Make plans with someone else for the year - if you have someone counting on you , chances are your date!