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Is Your Desk Job Killing You? Maybe It's Time For A Treadmill Desk Workstation

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If you thought your office work was safe, think again treadmill workstation. Seems to spend long hours sitting at a computer wreaks havoc on our bodies and minds. The solution ? Enter the office workstation treadmill.

There was a time when there was not much I could do about this problem treadmill workstation. Not only that , people were well aware that this accumulation of inactivity was incredibly dangerous for health and longevity. Now , study after study has confirmed that this is true. In fact, a study in Australia reported in the journal Circulation ,treadmill workstation an alarming correlation between heart disease and the amount of time spent sitting .

treadmill workstation how to ?

Participants sit for 4 hours or more per day showed an increased risk of 80% of deaths from cardiovascular disease and a higher risk of death 46% of all other causes, compared to the study group sitting only two hours per day. With all this evidence increasingly ,treadmill workstation we have to sit and pay attention (or to defend? ) !

An ingenious solution is the office workstation treadmill. This is a work of high quality, which can be configured by a treadmill . This allows the stop and / or slow walking during the workday , eliminating problems attributed to spend the day sitting worker. Benefits of sitting at your disposal day of work include:

Less back pain
more energy
Reduces back pain
Improvement of brain function due to an increase of the circulation
Improves posture
Reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes
Decrease in depression

The list could go on,treadmill workstation but you get the idea . "Move it or lose it " definitely takes on a different meaning in this context If you 'ave spent the day sitting at your desk , it may be time to consider a treadmill workstation desktop. - for the sake of your health.