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Fitness Tip: How Does Fitness And Nutrition Go Together?

Today I will talk about something that can make many people. It may go against what you believe , what you do, what you have read or studied . If this is the case, so be it . I say this because you can go all sorts of places , talk to all kinds of people, and you have many different variations on this theme . To that I say great! So all that said , let's get right to the point.

Currently , when someone decides to start any fitness program , focus on the training itself . What you need to run up , gain muscle , etc. , but all are leaving out is nutrition. Oh , believe me , no one in the fitness industry (worth something) will tell you the most important things of a training program is NUTRITION , NUTRITION , NUTRITION ! It is through the people on board, which should always be part of your fitness plan . No one will argue that fact with you.

BUT , the difference arises this type of nutrition. Should I eat meat or not? Should I change my diet soda? Should I eat 10 times a day ? I should not eat after 6:18 p.m. ? Should I wake up in the middle of the night and have a vitamin ultra supersonic Smoothie ? What should I do? This is the confusing part .

I 'm here to tell you my opinion on this whole nutrition. As everyone knows, I like to keep things simple. I keep things simple. Be complicated , it is for more advanced people, but not me. (Oh, I can go out with the best of them , but I choose not to) Of course, I enjoy talking about fitness / nutrition , and still can (and will) , but for people who do not know what to do to begin with, get to participate and may not be through health crises , which is something that nobody in the industry wants , right?

So all that said , let's talk about nutrition. Breaking down, even a little and say " what you put in your body. " Now, for those of you who have the same mentality that I (heaven help you lol !), And see things a skewd little , " not what you put into your body , " is equally important. You can even say to replace some of the bad things with good things , you know?

Again, keep things simple , let's take for example the gas. I do not care what kind you drink, do not care if it is food or not diet , I do not care if it contains sugar or not , global sodas is bad for you ... PERIOD ! (Oh, if an executive soda reading this, I 'm sorry friend, but someone has to say!)

But Andrew , I love my soda , I need my soda! Well , too bad . Oh, and if you know, I love my Mountain Dew , which is probably one of the worst there. In my youth, I was a " dew - a -holic ," and I am proud to admit it ! But in terms of being healthy, it sucks !

Now , instead of drinking his beloved soda ( diet or not) drink water . Heck , drinking tap water , which is good for me , but drinking water ! I do not care if you do not like the taste of the water (which always cracks me up !) , Beba anyway. Again, you want to recover health, it 's the things that make you healthy , duh !

Here's another tip , instead of that bag of potato chips, chocolate chip cookies or a chocolate bar , eat an apple or a banana, or fishing or any other type of fruit. Oh , can not be as fun or as sexy , but looking in the mirror you in this sexy time ? Hmmm ?

Want to know something really cool to do ? Again, this is for people who want to be healthier , so if this is your case notes . It is interesting to make some kind of mixer / blender / mixer / pureer and start making a kind of mixed vegetables foo- foo drink once a day . There are all kinds of recipes through the World Wide Web, so have fun looking for them. (The photo above is actually the drink I made this morning. It was fun to make and tasted amazing !)

Heck, you do trips to the grocery store anyway , pick fruit or vegetables as well . (Again , instead of soda and a bag of chips !)

I'm not saying this thing is the mixture of what to do , I'm just saying it's fun and you'll be amazed what you can find and how to start to smell.

I tell you , this is not a difficult concept to understand. Remember, I 'm trying to keep things simple here . All I do is tell you things you already know . All I mean is that , fundamentally , the things you know, but maybe they are afraid to admit it.

Notice I said nothing about supplements , I did not say anything about how often to eat, I did not say anything about a particular vitamin to take . I did not say anything about it because you have to start somewhere . Once you begin to change your habits and start to feel better, you find more , let's call it "hard core" of the intake of vitamins , supplements, etc.

But for now , if you do not do things just started to keep things simple . Learning to eat the right things and do not eat the wrong things. Get it? Do not worry about this type of fat is good, this guy is bad thing carbo food is better than food carbo thing . Use a little common sense with your nutrition and you will be surprised at the results. Once you begin to see and feel the results, then deeper into the issue of nutrition.