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Losing Weight - How To Naturally Lose Weight

OK ! Are you ready to understand the difference between losing weight and burn fat ? You may or may not know , but you are able to lose 5 pounds a day! Of course you are. Of course , this does not make sense , because if you weigh 200 pounds, then after 40 days , you'll disappear!

I had a friend who played football for the University of Tulsa in the mid 90s. He told me stories of how he was going to lose 5 pounds a day. She woke up and weighed. £ 245 . When practice ended , I weigh 240.

Of course, it was not so gullible . Anyone in their right mind knew that it was the weight " of the water. " Of course , we are all able to lose weight every day, but most of us want it to remain on the right ?

Your body is a machine to burn fat naturally . You can only burn fat while you are in your sleep. How is this possible ?

When you eat, food is converted into a substance called glucose. Glucose is the main source of energy for your body. Think of it like gasoline. Without it, your body can not function .

The cells in the body ( muscle cells, brain cells, etc. ) require this glucose . But for the glucose to enter the cells , there must be a connection established . To facilitate this, the body releases an enzyme called insulin . This insulin is the " gatekeeper " of cells. It allows glucose and have energy .

The cells take in the exact amount of fuel needed . Any excess of glucose is stored in fat cells . Here's how you gain weight . Your body gets more of what it needs and stores them as fat . Very simple right?

But your body is very sophisticated . Stored fat is converted to free fatty acids. When cells need more food ( energy ) , these fatty acids are burned instead of having to eat. So you should not get bored . His body has created its own energy source.

But we know that will not happen . Why ? Releases insulin into your system at a slower pace. Although what is present in your body, you can not use their own fat deposits to burn energy. So you need to eat more. This is why most people can not lose weight naturally. You are constantly bathing in insulin.

You can counter this with a well balanced diet. Eating in the ideal time of day . Allow your body to work on their own, but most of us can not do .

But there is good news! There is a way to make your own fat cells. Allow your body to lose weight naturally. Brandon is the founder Barclow Health Group Barclow . It has helped many people control their weight naturally, without skipping a meal.